Free Digital Art

A little extra pop-fizzle for the walls.

A couple of quick disclaimers:

  1. The designer is not responsible for vendor’s products and services. That part of the process is up to you and your vendor.
  2. After the period of one month the design comes down ~ bye, bye! You might be able to find it on my Etsy Shop …or maybe not.
  3. No guarantees. Every design will be printed and tested for quality on this end.
  4. The Etsy Shop, Jomentum Co. is a separate channel. If you bought on Etsy first, please consider it a donation and please don’t ask for a refund. But how about this, work will appear here first before Etsy.
  5. All work is licensed and copyrighted. Under no circumstances can the work be recreated or repackaged and sold for profit.