On September 22, local the Toastmasters Fall Humor and Table Topic Contest went into round 2. I finished first in District 12’s Table Topic competition.
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Competing against eight others in District 12, I won the contest with my answer to “What’s one thing you’d want to change to make the world a better place?”
What a daunting question. Honestly, I froze. For a split second I thought, oh no. I am done.
Instead I looked at my shoes and thought about it and words just came.
And for 2 minutes I answered with We have to find a way to get along.
I noticed people nodding so I knew I was on to something. Also it’s super important to make eye-contact for two reasons. One is that you make a personal connection. Two is that the audience in this instance is really on your side. And they’ll give you visual cues on how to be better.

AT each Toastmasters meeting, a club will dedicate 10-15 minutes to Table Topics. It’s a challenge where a moderator asks a blind question and to deliver a speech for two minutes on the topic.
At the time I was the positioned as the Vice President of Public Relations for the Toastmasters Lunch Bunch, club number 6187.